Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Student expectations for Convocation
A guide to a fulfilling experience for all graduates and their guests
Let’s make this celebration great for everybody!
The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering and ASU graduation ceremonies celebrate the achievements of our students.
Our goal is to create an environment that is joyous, safe and respectful for our students and their families who have invested significantly to reach this milestone and attend the ceremonies.
To that end and in compliance with university policies, the following expectations are required of all FSE graduates:

Have appropriate, respectful fun!
Commencement and convocation ceremonies are special events for all involved. Please show respect for everyone who has come to share in the experience.
Graduates or guests who are being disruptive, behaving inappropriately or refuse to follow directions from event staff will be asked to leave the arena. Graduates may miss out on crossing the stage.
Banners and/or signs of any shape and size are not permitted inside of any ceremony venue.
Carry in your regalia
All graduates, faculty and guests will go through security, including a bag check, when entering the arena. Graduates and faculty must carry their gown when clearing security. Gowns may be put on after clearing security.
Arrive early
Graduates are required to arrive on time for all graduation ceremonies in which they are participating. Late arrival does not guarantee you a seat regardless of prior registration for the ceremony and creates unnecessary disorder.
In light of new requirements, please plan for lines at the security check and plan your arrival accordingly.
Stay for the entire ceremony, in your seat.
Graduates attending ASU Commencement or Engineering Convocation are expected to remain present for the duration of the ceremony. Once the ceremony begins, graduates are required to stay in their seats for the duration of the ceremony except when crossing the stage. This keeps the event safe for everyone participating and allows for easy egress in case of an emergency.

You’ll be on camera!
This is a public event that is being livestreamed and recorded. There will be photographers and videographers onsite capturing images for ASU to use for promotional or marketing purposes. Consequently, you may be asked by a photographer or videographer to sign an ASU photo release form authorizing ASU to use your image.
Cross the stage with respect
When it is time to cross the stage at Engineering Convocation, graduates are expected to follow all directions from staff on stage, including how to behave and where to go. Once your name has been called, you will need to immediately leave the stage and exit down the center stairs. If you do not adhere to these directions, you prevent the graduate behind you from having their moment to cross the stage to be acknowledged by the Fulton Schools leadership and celebrated by their guests. Graduates cannot share the stage with other graduates when their name is being called.

Do not bring alcohol.
Graduates are not allowed to bring alcohol of any sort to Engineering Convocation. Alcohol consumption at the ceremony will not be tolerated and graduates found with open containers or consuming alcohol during the event will receive disciplinary action.
Turn off devices
As a courtesy to those around you and to our graduating students, please turn off all electronic devices and phones during the ceremony.
Staff, graduates and authorized guests only on floor or field
Only working staff, graduating students and authorized guests are allowed in the graduate and staff entry points, or on the floor or field near graduate seating and the stage.