NASA is reuniting humanity with a place not visited in more than 50 years: the moon. The Artemis missions look to establish a base camp on the moon’s surface and launch an orbiting spaceship called Gateway, where astronauts will transfer to a moon landing craft.
Thanks to exponential technological advances since the late 1960s, astronauts will be equipped with a new spacesuit known as the Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or xEMU. The new suit will include an improved helmet that resists the fogging that obscures the wearer’s vision.
NASA selected Swift Coat, a materials science company founded by ASU electrical engineering Professor and incoming Fulton Schools Vice Dean for Research and Innovation Zachary Holman and his co-founder, ASU alumnus Peter Firth, to develop a coating to keep xEMU wearers’ vision unobstructed.