by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Network reliability
Charles ColbournProfessorComputer Science and EngineeringResearch InterestsCombinatorial design theory, network algorithms and network design [email protected] (480) 727-6631 Tempe campus,...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Cyber and network security, Operating systems
Partha Dasgupta Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Research Interests Computer security, operating systems, distributed and parallel systems [email protected] (480) 965-5583 Tempe campus,...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Cyberphysical systems
Georgios FainekosAssociate ProfessorComputer Science and Engineering Research Interests Cyber-physical systems: hybrid dynamical systems, real-time and embedded systems, formal methods with applications to automation & control: system testing and verification,...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 26, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Scheduling theory
JF John Fowler Motorola Professor of International Business Research Interests Discrete event simulation, deterministic scheduling, multi-criteria decision making [email protected](480) 965-4330Tempe...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Stochastic modeling
Esma GelAssociate ProfessorIndustrial Engineering Research InterestsApplied probability, stochastic processes, queuing theory, stochastic modeling and control of manufacturing systems [email protected] (480) 965-2906 Tempe campus,...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Cyberphysical systems
Sandeep GuptaProfessor, School DirectorComputer Science and Engineering Research InterestsWireless networks, mobile and ubiquitous/pervasive computing, embedded sensor networks for biomedical applications, parallel and distributed computing [email protected](480)...