by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Activity analysis, Arts, media and engineering, Interactive media
TI Todd Ingalls Assistant Director, Research Professor Research Interests Gestural communication and embodied media interaction, affect in music, and algorithmic media composition as well as novel mediated environments for stroke and Parkinson’s disease...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Arts, media and engineering, Human computer interaction, Interactive media
SK Stacey Kuznetsov Assistant Professor Research Interest Role of technology in collective efforts to construct knowledge and address issues. [email protected]...
by Steve Ryan | Sep 13, 2018 | Arts, media and engineering, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, Computer vision, Embedded systems, ubiquitous computing, Interactive media, L, Operating systems
Robert LiKamWaAssociate Professor, joint appointment with the School of Arts, Media and Engineering Research interestsMobile operating systems, mobile computer architecture, low-power mobile systems, computational imaging systems, computer vision systems, augmented...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Activity analysis, Arts, media and engineering, Interactive media, Performance
XWS Xin Wei Sha Professor Research Interests Ethico-aesthetic improvisation, and a topological approach to morphogenesis and process philosophy [email protected]...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 25, 2019 | Arts, media and engineering, Computer vision, Interactive media, Performance
David Tinapple Associate Professor Research Interests Complex cognitive strategies employed by people at the intersection of technology and work, and designing better tools and systems for teaching and learning. [email protected](480) 965-3122Tempe...