by Steve Ryan | Sep 13, 2018 | Computer Engineering, Data networks, Graduate Program Chair, Network optimization, QoS routing, Professor, R, Signal processing and communications, Wireless, mobile and ad-hoc networks
Martin ReissleinProfessor and Graduate Program Chair, Computer Engineering Research interestsMetro and access fiber/wireless networks, multimedia streaming, multimedia traffic characteristics, software defined networking and engineering education...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 26, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Network optimization, QoS routing
Andrea RichaProfessorComputer Science and Engineering Research InterestsSelf-organizing particle systems, programmable matter, bio-inspired algorithms, distributed computing and algorithms, theory of wireless communication, graph, randomized, and approximation...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 26, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Network optimization, QoS routing, Scheduling theory
Arunabha SenProfessorComputer Science and Engineering Research InterestsResource optimization in optical, wireless and sensor networks, video transmission over mobile ad-hoc networks, network processors, system/network on chip design, combinatorial optimization,...
by Steve Ryan | Jun 26, 2019 | Computer Engineering, Cyber and network security, Network optimization, QoS routing
Guoliang XueProfessorComputer Science and EngineeringResearch InterestsSurvivability and security in smart grid, privacy and security in mobile social networks, economic approaches to network applications [email protected] (480) 965-6218 Tempe campus,...