Welcome to SEMTE Advising
Finding the right academic guidance for your time at the Ira A. Schools of Engineering can shape your overall educational experience. The advisors in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport & Energy can help with all the information you need including budgeting, financing, choosing or changing a major, and general admission requirements for freshman and transfer students.
Scheduling an Appointment
Use the ONLINE appointment scheduling tool to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.
Helpful Hints
- New freshman and transfer students should review the general admission requirements.
- For questions regarding an undergraduate change of major, please contact the SEMTE advising office at 480-965-2335 or email [email protected].
- For questions regarding graduate admission and financial aid or degree and program requirements, please contact the SEMTE Graduate advising office at 480-965-2335 or email [email protected].
Advising Center
Mailing Address
PO Box 876106
Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
Assistant Director, Academic Services
Tiffany Wingerson
Phone: 480.965.2335
Email: [email protected]
Undergraduate Advising
501 E. Tyler Mall
ECG 202
Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
Fax: 480.727.9321
Email: [email protected]
Graduate Advising
501 E. Tyler Mall
ECG 202
Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
Phone: 480.965.2335
Fax: 480.727.9321
Email: [email protected]
Andrea Brown
Andrea Brown
Manager, Undergraduate Academic Advising
Cylie Hanson
Cylie Hanson
Academic Success Advisor
Undergraduate Advising
Bridget Hidalgo
Bridget Hidalgo
Academic Success Advisor, Sr.
Undergraduate Advising
Ya Hu
Ya Hu
Academic Success Advisor, Sr.
Undergraduate Advising
Bella Leal
Bella Leal
Academic Success Advisor, Sr.
Undergraduate Advising
Erika Parra
Erika Parra
Student Services Coordinator, Sr.
Advising Support Staff
Tiffany Wingerson
Tiffany Wingerson
Graduate Academic Advising
Advising support staff
Lindsay Fischer
Lindsay Fischer
Curriculum Planning and Analysis
[email protected]
Tempe Campus