After recently being named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, ASU Professor Seth Tongay was named an American Physical Society Fellow.

After recently being named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, ASU Professor Seth Tongay was named an American Physical Society Fellow.
ASU researcher S. Eileen Seo receives support from the Department of Energy to create a novel approach to manufacturing self-repairing polymer objects
Researchers are empowering artificial intelligence and machine learning with incorporated large language models and integrated computational tools to enhance and develop new materials.
Seth Ariel Tongay gets double honors due to two-dimensional materials innovations.
Wonmo Kang’s ASU research group developed a graphene-coated nickel wire that has the field’s highest combined strength and ductility.
ASU researcher Leixin Ma has been awarded a research grant to generate an AI model for assessing environmental damage to offshore structures.
Mohamed El Mistiri receives ASU Engineering Dean’s Dissertation Award for utilizing control engineering to get sedentary adults to walk more
ASU researcher Qijun Hong is the third person ever to receive the CALPHAD Young Leader Award for advancing the discovery process of new materials.
Sui Yang and Hamid Marvi receive the 2024 ABRC New Investigator Award to leverage their expertise in creating innovative tools to empower endoscopic surgeons.
Mani Modayil Korah and Matthew Green earn U.S. Department of Energy support to help curb climate change with innovative carbon capture technology.
Equipped with the strong foundation in mechanical engineering gained from ASU, Jacob Tetlow has had a successful career despite his humble beginnings.
ASU chemical engineering major Abril Ramos has been instrumental to startup Swift Coat’s success in the NASA Small Business Innovation Research program.
Ravi Prasher was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for developing thermal management technologies and decarbonizing thermal energy systems.
Undergraduate and graduate students in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at ASU conduct use-inspired research to address real-world challenges.
Beomjin Kwon receives NSF CAREER Award to track data during heat transfer through artificial intelligence.
Fulton Schools doctoral student Daniel Rivera’s innovative research uses electric fields to purify hydrogen for applications in petroleum refineries and semiconductor manufacturing.
ASU researcher Wonmo Kang earned an NSF CAREER award to develop a manufacturing technique for materials with ultrahigh electrical conductivity properties.
New school director aims to apply an interdisciplinary approach to training future engineers
ASU researcher Xiangjia “Cindy” Li receives an NSF CAREER award for an electrically assisted multimaterial 3D printing approach
Kailong Jin receives NSF CAREER Award to explore the phenomena behind polymer crystallization