The new Center for Biomaterials Innovation and Translation will be led by Fulton Schools innovator Kaushal Rege.

The new Center for Biomaterials Innovation and Translation will be led by Fulton Schools innovator Kaushal Rege.
Alexandra Navrotsky returned to ASU in 2019 to continue her stellar tradition of solid-state science
Gokul Pathikonda, an assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the Fulton Schools, has been named an Emerging Leader by the Measurement Science and Technology journal. The journal publishes research articles on measurement techniques and...
Leila Ladani is on a mission to cultivate a human-centered mindset to guide the design and manufacturing of biomedical devices and implants. Ladani, a professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, part of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of...
Joe Smith
Assistant Professor
Chemical engineering
Research Interests
Biomaterial design, tissue engineering, polymers, biomechanics, biomimetic materials, drug delivery and orthopedic applications
Bruno Azeredo
Associate Professor
Manufacturing Systems and Networks
Research Interests
Synthesis of reactive nanoscale metallic materials via electrochemical methods, laser-matter interactions in advanced manufacturing, electrochemical machining of inorganic semiconductors
David Benson
Lecturer Sr
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
[email protected]
Tempe Campus, ENGRC 419
Mailcode 6106
Mohamed Houssem Kasbaoui
Assistant Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Massively parallel simulations of multiphase and aerosol-laden flows for environmental and aerospace applications.
Leila Ladani
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Manufacturing process simulation and modeling and experiments, Additive manufacturing, Micro/nano manufacturing, Application of AI in manufacturing, Mechanic of metallic materials, Materials characterization, Fatigue and damage modeling and simulation
Bella Leal
Academic Success Advisor, Sr.
Undergraduate Advising
Lin LiAssociate ProfessorMechanical and aerospace engineering Research InterestsMultiscale material mechanics models and simulations to explore structure-property-processing relationships in advanced [email protected] Campus
Gayla Livengood
Academic human resources specialist
Human Resources
[email protected]
April MacCleary
Research Advancement Manager
Research Advancement
[email protected]
Miranda Milovich
Academic success specialist- undergraduate advising
Bin Mu
Assistant Professor
Chemical engineering
Research Interests
Design and synthesis of nanostructured porous materials – metal organic frameworks – for nanoengineered platforms energy storage, greenhouse gases capture, sensing and detection.
Jake Starling
Systems Support Specialist
[email protected]
Tempe Campus
Farah Usman
Business Operations Specialist
Feng Yan
Associate Professor
Materials science and engineering
Research Interests
Thin film and nanomaterials for solar energy harvesting and conversion; low-dimensional semiconducting chalcogenides and Metal Thioseleno Phosphates; thin film ferroelectrics and multiferroics, scanning probe microscopy for nanoscale characterization, photomechanical response of the semiconductor materials; photoelectrochemical and photocatalysts; biomass materials for nanofibrous composites.