SEMTE Support Services
About us
Work from Home
SEMTE IT is here to assist you in setting up your computer at home as well as configuring the software to ASU resources. Please use this link, HERE.
Staff Contacts
SEMTE staff contact list : HERE
Facilities and safety
Facilities aids in renovating and upgrading offices/labs, assisting with furniture, assigning space, and building maintenance. We are dedicated to maintaining a safe working environment for all faculty, staff and students in research and instructional laboratories. Good safety practices go hand in hand with good research and effective teaching. We are here to help you with any questions you may have regarding safety practices in your laboratory or in the conduct of teaching courses.
Business office
The Business Office provides numerous forms of support for SEMTE faculty, staff, visitors, and students. These include key and ISAAC access, equipment checkout, and copying for professors. They also processes orders, travel and reimbursements for the school. Management and assistance is provided on sponsored grants, payroll and budgets.
Research advancement
The office of Research Advancement (RA) is available to assist with all aspects of externally funded research, from locating funding to close out. The primary responsibility of the RA is to assist in the preparation of sponsored proposals and award management. RA serves as a liaison between ASU’s Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Administration (ORSPA) and the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy. The team is a single point of contact for externally funded research for both grants and contracts.
Human resources
SEMTE HR is here to assist you with your entire payroll, benefits, sabbatical leaves, medical/family leaves and retirement needs. We also assist with all of your hiring needs for your sponsored grants, such as hiring Graduate Research Assistants/Associates, Student Workers (hourly), Graders, Postdoctoral, Research Scientists, Classified Staff and PRN employees. We can also provide support should any visa issues arise.
Information technology (IT)
We support the computing environment in SEMTE to further the teaching, research and administrative functions of the School. Our goal is to enable these functions to work at their highest capacity with excellent computer support.
Forms and links
A quick link for often used forms and email addresses.