Transfer Students
We are glad you are here
Welcome, to the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy. There are many roads that can lead a student to graduate in our program, and we realize that often that road doesn’t being here at ASU. We are excited to work with you wherever you are in your higher education journey so that we can help you complete your degree and accomplish your goals.
We’re sure that as a prospective transfer student you have plenty of questions about our school, admissions, programs, curriculum, resources, etc. As an Advising office, we’re happy to be your go-to resource for all of this information and more. Our goal is to help make your transition to ASU a positive one.
Transfer Admissions
The application/admissions process for students who transfer from community colleges, other universities, and other higher education institutions is handled by the ASU Admissions office. If you have questions about the application or admissions process, we encourage you to contact them directly.
Basic Admissions Criteria:
Besides meeting basic ASU admissions criteria, students applying to any of our four SEMTE majors needs to meet the following additional criteria:
- Minimum transfer GPA of 3.00 – This includes any and all coursework you’ve completed while a post-secondary student whether you’ve attended just one school or more than one. This also includes any ASU coursework you may have done previously.
- No Math or Lab Science competency deficiencies – There are three ways you can meet this requirement.
1. If you submit your high school transcript, it needs to show that you completed at least four years of math AND at least three years of distinct laboratory sciences during your high school career. These competencies are determined by ASU’s Admissions Services office when your transcript is being evaluated.
2. If you do not meet the high school requirement or you are not submitting a high school transcript, then your post-secondary transfer coursework must include at least one transferable three-semester-hour college math course for which at least intermediate algebra is a prerequisite and at least three transferable four-semester-hour college laboratory science courses from the following: biology, chemistry, earth science or physics
3. Alternatively, a student can also fulfill these requirements with ACT and/or SAT scores of the following for each Competency: Math: ACT – 24 math or SAT – 540 mat; Lab Science: Two years High School Lab Science coursework + ACT – 20 science or SAT II – 600 chem, 590 bio, 620 phys - If you are transferring in less than 24 college credit hours, you must also meet the following requirement: Minimum 1140 SAT combined math and verbal or minimum 24 ACT combined score; OR 3.00 minimum ABOR GPA; OR class ranking in top 25 percent of your high school class.
- Secondary Criteria (For the Materials Science and Engineering program ONLY): If a candidate for the Materials Science and Engineering program does not meet the 3.00 GPA requirement, he/she may be admitted with a minimum 2.75 GPA if the following also apply: Minimum of 24 transfer hours; Minimum of 2.75 GPA in all critical courses for Terms 1 and 2 (see Major Map for critical courses) **(Major map will be a link to the Materials major map)**
- For International Students: All International students must meet one of the following criteria to be admitted to our programs:
1. TOEFL – 550 paper-based OR 79 internet-based
2. IELTS – 6.5 minimum
Students are exempt from either of these if any of the following apply:
You were a junior or senior in high school in the U.S. and received a 550 SAT Verbal or 23 ACT Eng
You have 48 transfer credits or more including 6 English Composition credits with a 2.5 GPA in those 6 credits taken in the U.S.
You hold a bachelor’s degree from the U.S.
You attended four years of high school in the U.S.
You’ve completed Advanced 2 in the AECP program
Transfer credit and programs
Academic Advisors will review your courses once they are transferred and evaluated (if necessary) to determine what transfer courses will apply toward your degree requirements and where. Not all transferable courses will fulfill a specific degree requirement.
College Credit
One thing to be aware of is that when your courses transfer over, they may not show EXACTLY what you’ll see on the Major Map. For that reason, it is important to be in contact with your Advisor to determine if your course is applying where it should. A good example of this is with the Calculus I requirement. In SEMTE, the course we have students take is MAT 265: Calculus for Engineers I; however, most transfer students come in with credit for MAT 270: Calculus w/Analytic Geometry I. Both courses are acceptable for that requirement.
Non-College Credit
It is important to note that if you have AP, IB, Dual Enrollment CLEP, or other credit, you need to have it transferred to ASU. Your test scores need to be sent separately to ASU in order to evaluate them based on our criteria. An example of this would be if you were previously awarded ENG 101 credit at another university from AP, it does not necessarily mean that you will be awarded the same credit at ASU.
Transfer Credit Guide
The Transfer Credit Guide ( is a great resource when dealing with Transfer credits for two reasons. First, you can use it to see what your courses you have taken elsewhere are going to be equivalent to here at ASU. Second, it gives you a chance to submit courses you have taken elsewhere that have not been evaluated to our Articulation department so that they can evaluate the course and let you know what its equivalency is here at ASU. If you have any questions on what you are seeing on the Guide or how to submit a course to it, you are always welcome to reach out to your advisor.
SEMTE Programs
For More information on specific programs and requirements, click below on the link to the program you are interested in:
- Mechanical Engineering – Mechanical engineering (BSE)
- Aerospace Engineering – Aerospace engineering (BSE)
- Chemical Engineering – Chemical engineering (BSE)
- Materials Science and Engineering – Materials science and engineering (BSE)
Advising for transfer students
How to meet with us before or after applying
Before applying to ASU:
If you would like to set an appointment with one of our advisors prior to transferring to ASU, we are happy to meet with you. We ask that you call our front office 480-965-2335 or email us at [email protected] to request an appointment. Let our worker who you speak with know that you are a potential ASU transfer student, where you are transferring from, what program you want to transfer into, and what you would like to discuss with us. Also please let them know if you have previously met with one of our advisors so that you can meet with that same advisor again.
After acceptance to ASU:
Once you have been assigned an advisor, you are still welcome to call the front desk to set an appointment, or you can also use the Online Scheduling Tool.
When it is time for your appointment, be sure to have your questions ready and bring any materials that might be helpful to the advisor in the appointment. For example, if you would like to discuss your transfer courses, and what you will be getting credit for, it is a good idea to bring an unofficial transcript from your current school with you.
There are many great resources here on-campus to give students the best service in specific areas. As an advising office, we act as a hub for these resources, so know that for some of your questions, you may not get a specific answer from your advisor, but we can steer you in the right direction. Some of these areas may include:
- Financial Aid Questions
- Admissions issues
- Evaluation of transfer courses
Transfer resources
Besides various Tutoring Centers available on-campus for just about every subject, the Fulton Schools offer FREE tutoring services to all ASU students in undergraduate-level coursework. The main Center is in The Engineering Center-F Wing (ECF), Room 102. Students can get tutoring there in Physics, Math, and various Engineering areas.
More information about the tutoring center.
Career Services
As part of the Fulton Schools of Engineering, we are blessed to be able to work with the Engineering Career Center. They assist students as a resource for career development through one-on-one meetings in areas such as: resume writing, interview preparation, what programs/courses will best help you prepare for your field of interest, and what experience is necessary before you graduate.
Besides this, the Career Center holds various workshops and events to help students, including two Career Fairs each year. These are great events for Engineering students only, and so each and every company/organization that attends is looking for someone like you!
More information on the Engineering Career Center.
Student Orgs
Getting involved outside of regular classes is key to getting the most out of your educational experience here at ASU, and there are many ways for you to get involved here! There are more than 50 engineering organizations campus-wide beside the many non-engineering organizations, so there’s sure to be something that fits what you are passionate about; and if there is not, start your own organization!
Learn more about student organizations in the Fulton Schools and how you can get involved.
Transfer Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve been admitted but can’t register, what do I do?
Once you have been admitted to one of our programs, you will need to go through an advising presentation and advising session before you are able to register. To get more information on that, please email [email protected] and specify that you are a new transfer student and would like to register for a transfer advising session.
What do I need to do once I’ve been admitted before coming?
Once you have been admitted, there are various things you should do before coming to campus. A good place to start will be your To Do Items or Holds on your MyASU. This will include immunization records, sending official transcripts, and other important steps.
More information on what is required for each item can be found by clicking on that item. There is usually a contact number if you have questions, but as always, ask your advisor if you are confused about where to go and what to do next.
My transcripts were sent but they’re not showing. What do I do?
There are a few reasons why your transcripts are not showing on your file yet. First, you contact the ASU Admissions office to see if the transcript has been received but not recorded yet. If that is the case, it may just be a matter of waiting a little longer.
If they have not yet been received by ASU Admissions, it is a good idea to contact the Registrar’s office from your previous school to verify the transcript was sent and, if needed, have another copy sent.
If your transcript has not arrived or been recorded, and your classes in the upcoming semester may be affected, contact your advisor for advice on what else you may be able to do.
How do I make sure my transfer credits are applying?
The best resource to verify transfer credits from other institutions is the Transfer Credit Guide:
How can I get financial assistance?
For more information on financial aid, we suggest you contact the following resources:
-ASU scholarship and financial aid services:
-Ira. A Fulton Schools scholarship page: