Ronald Adrian
Regents’ Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Turbulence, experimental fluid mechanics, laser diagnostics laser instrumentation micro detonation.
Ronald Adrian
Regents’ Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Turbulence, experimental fluid mechanics, laser diagnostics laser instrumentation micro detonation.
Kangping Chen
Associate Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Fluid mechanics and interfacial phenomena applied to flows in porous media, hydraulic fracture, multiphase flow and heat transfer.
Werner Dahm
Founding Director, Security & Defense Systems Initiative (SDSI)
ASU Foundation Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Defense science and technology assessments/planning, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, turbulent flow, combustion science, advanced propulsion systems.
Marcus Herrmann
Associate Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Fluid mechanics; modeling and numerical simulation of atomization processes in turbulent multiphase flows; numerical methods for discontinuous interfaces; Richtmyer-Meshkov instability; numerical methods for massively parallel computer systems; premixed and partially premixed combustion.
Mohamed Houssem Kasbaoui
Assistant Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Massively parallel simulations of multiphase and aerosol-laden flows for environmental and aerospace applications.
Jeonglae Kim
Assistant Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Large-eddy simulation of high-speed turbulent flows with multi-physics, aeroacoustics, flow control and optimization
Taewoo Lee
Associate Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Energy system analysis, thermal and fluid process characterization, and fuel property measurements for energy systems.
Hamid Marvi
Assistant Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Bio-inspired robotics; bio-inspired design; mechanics of animal locomotion; active control of friction, adhesion, and drag forces; smart materials and structures; soft robotics; magnetic micro-robotics
Yulia Peet
Assistant Professor
Aerospace and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Research goals of our group are to investigate behavior of complex engineering and physical systems by developing and applying advanced high-performance computational tools combining different physical models through multicode/multiphysics coupling and integrative simulations on massively parallel computers.
Kyle Squires
Professor and Dean, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Research Interests
Computational engineering; turbulence simulation and modeling (DNS, LES, hybrid methods); particle-laden flows; engineering education; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and research.
Valana Wells
Associate professor
Undergraduate program chair, aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering
Research Interests
Computational acoustics; rotary-wing aeroacoustics; noise control; rotorcraft design; aeronautical engineering education